Events Calendar

Latest Past Events

Elk Management Evening Tour

Chief Logan Lodge & Conference Center 1000 Conference Center Drive, Logan

Elk Management Tours in West Virginia are designed to learn about and visit where the reintroduction of elk in the Mountain State occurred. The four-hour activity begins at 4:00 p.m. at Chief Logan Lodge. The tour ticket includes a finger food and beverage center, “All About Elk” program, transportation to the elk translocation site, and... View Article


Elk Management Morning Tour

Chief Logan Lodge & Conference Center 1000 Conference Center Drive, Logan

Elk Management Tours in West Virginia are designed to learn about and visit where the reintroduction of elk in the Mountain State occurred. The four-hour activity begins at 5:30 a.m. at Chief Logan Lodge. The tour ticket includes a light breakfast, “All About Elk” program, transportation to the elk translocation site, and outdoor time walking... View Article


Guyan Ducks Unlimited Annual Wetland Conservation Banquet

The Guyan Ducks Unlimited Annual Wetland Conservation Banquet will be held on Thursday, September 26, 2019 at Logan Country Club in Chapmanville, WV, to help raise funds for the organization's wetlands and waterfowl conservation mission. The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. Ticket prices include a one-year DU membership. Space is limited and the committee... View Article