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Events Calendar

Town of Man Street Fair

Town of Man 105 Market Street, Man, WV, United States

Music, karoke, crafts, inflatables, great food, and more! Featuring: Big Time Pro Wrestling Music performances by: Austin Adkins, Brayden Williamson and Friends  

Appalachian Heritage Days

City of Logan 219 Dingess Street, Logan, WV, United States

Appalachian Heritage Days is the inner heart of the Appalachian Mountains, as well as the Appalachian history and culture. It is the eagerness and delight to share the cherished memories and traditions of the Appalachian area! The event will have various attractions from music, workshops, to special guest speakers, and more.

LST-325 at Haddad Riverfront Park

Haddah Riverfront Park 700 Kanawha Blvd E., Charleston, West Virginia

The LST-325 USS LST Ship Memorial, Inc. docks at Haddad Riverfront Park, Sept 21-25!!! The Long Ship served in World War II on the beaches of Normandy, as well as in the invasions of Sicily and Salerno. After more than 75 years of operation, she remains as the last fully-functional #WorldWarII-configured LST in the United... View Article

The Savas Kostas Gala

Chief Logan Lodge & Conference Center 1000 Conference Center Drive, Logan, WV, United States

Southern WV Community & Technical College's Savas Kostas Gala, in honor the legacy of George and Elizabeth Kostas. This special celebration will be held Saturday, September 24th, 2022, at Chief Logan Lodge and Conference Center. It will feature a red-carpet arrival in the style of classic Hollywood! The evening will provide fine dining, dancing and... View Article

Apple Butter Festival

Town of Chapmanville Chapmanville, WV, United States

Chapmanville’s favorite time of the year… The Apple Butter Festival September 29- (5pm-10pm) September 30- (5pm-11pm) October 1- (11am-11pm) Join in for carnival rides, tons of vendors, on- site apple butter making, entertainment & performances, car cruise-in, hotdog eating contest, cornhole tournament, quilt show, Chapmanville history display inside the Tracy Vickers Community Center, plus food,... View Article

National TrailFest

Larry Joe Harless Community Center 202 Larry Joe Harless Drive, Gilbert, WV, United States

Hatfield-McCoy National ATV, UTV, and dirt bike event. Hosted in Gilbert, WV each October with 250 plus miles of trails, activities, food, entertainment!

WV Fire & Ice

Logan County Airport 3247 Bandmill Hollow Road, Logan, WV

Come join us for craft beer, wine tasting, and a chili cook off! Friday, October 7, 2022!

Trunk or Treat 2022

Mountain State Harley Davidson 61 Preece Bottom Road, Delbarton, WV, United States

en trIt’s one of our favorite events of the year! Trunk or treat and this year it’s back at Mountain State Harley Davison! As always, they will have awesome local businesses from Logan and Mingo County set up as trunks! We can’t wait for this event and to see all the awesome costumes!

Southern Fried Funeral

Logan Country Club Route 10, Chapmanville, West Virginia

The Aracoma Story, Incorporated proudly presents SOUTHERN FRIED FUNERAL! Allow yourself a chance to laugh along with the relatable characters with this dinner theatre performance. Performance date are October 28-30 & November 4-6. Shows start @6pm, Sunday shows start at 3pm at the Logan Country Club .   For more information, call 304-752-0253.


Grant Writing

Chief Logan Lodge & Conference Center 1000 Conference Center Drive, Logan, WV, United States

Join us for a free workshop with expert tips on how to write effective grant applications! Participants will receive a free two-year membership to, which includes quality grantmaker profiles, searchable databases for grantmakers, powerful grantseeking tools, and tutorials on how to write winning grant proposals.