Events Calendar

Chief Logan State Park presents a Saturday Morning Beginner’s Hike

Chief Logan State Park

A Saturday Morning Beginner's Hike will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 10, 2020 from the Chief Logan State Park Museum. Just getting into hiking, or never tried? Join Lauren the chatty Naturalist for a beginner hike to get started on the right foot! Learn basic hiking and outdoor safety and Leave No Trace... View Article

Wildlife Exhibit Tours at Chief Logan State Park

Chief Logan State Park

Chief Logan State Park presents Wildlife Exhibit Tours from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm on Saturday, October 10, 2020 and Sunday, October 11, 2020. Visit the wildlife exhibit and ask the attendant for a special tour! Take time at each exhibit to learn facts about wildlife. Naturalist Lauren Cole will be at the bear paddock,... View Article

Chief Logan State Park Activities 10/16/20 – 10/18/20

Chief Logan State Park

Chief Logan State Park presents the following activities: Friday, October 16, 2020: *A New Moon Hike on the one mile Cliffside Trail will begin at 8:00 pm from the Chief Logan State Park Museum.  The trail is an easy hike but has rocks and roots in some spots.  Please bring a flashlight to use if... View Article

City of Logan Pumpkin Giveaway

City of Logan 219 Dingess Street, Logan, WV, United States

300 Pumpkins to be handed out by the City of Logan! FREE for you and your family to carve together! But, wait, there is more fun! When you pick up your pumpkin you will be assigned a number. You will take your pumpkin home, carve with your family and then - drop it off to... View Article

Chief’s Roadhouse Halloween Event

Chief's Roadhouse 105 Nick Savas Drive, Logan, United States

On Thursday, October 22, we are having a special Halloween event outside at Chief’s Roadhouse from 6 to 9 pm. Please bring your children! We are giving out free pumpkins that you can carve or paint here. We will have treat bags for every child and a huge movie screen playing family Halloween movies. Everyone... View Article

Guided Nature Hike

Chief Logan State Park

A Guided Nature Hike on the one mile Cliffside Trail will begin at 5:00 pm on October 23, 2020 from the Chief Logan State Park Museum.  The trail is an easy hike but has rocks and roots in some spots.  Please bring a flashlight to use if necessary.  Participants will learn about nocturnal animals and... View Article

Chief Logan Wonderfall Walk

Chief Logan State Park

It’s WonderFALL at Chief Logan State Park. Meet at the museum for a WonderFALL hike beginning at 11:00 a.m. Led by naturalist Lauren Cole, everyone will hike the Woodpecker Trail, which is a more difficult and longer trail of about 3 miles total. We’ll pace ourselves and make stops along the way to identify vegetation... View Article

Terrifying Tales from the Cabin Porch at Chief Logan State Park

Chief Logan State Park

Terrifying Tales is a family friendly program of spooky stories about Chief Logan State Park.  The presentation includes a history of the park and a whole lot of imagination.  Are the tales true or not?  You decide!  The program takes place at the pioneer cabin in Chief Logan State Park.  Please bring a chair or... View Article

Sunday Morning Hike

Chief Logan State Park

Join Naturalist Lauren Cole at the Chief Logan State park Museum for a leisurely Sunday morning hike and enjoy the great outdoors! Social distancing and masks require